2.4 introduction to the love interest, Inara

[wposflv src=http://www.wiredcrow.com/serenity_analysis/videos/02-04-01.flv]
  • It’s through Kaylee’s words that lead into cutting to this scene
    • Her words paints the picture of Mal as a lonely soul that pushes people away
    • Contrasting him viewing the vid of Inara privately, it also reflects how he actually misses them
  • We get shown Inara as Mal’s love interest, is another way to define Mal as a man, rather than the captain
    • The revealing line: Inara: that man doesn’t know what he wants
  • We also get a view of a portion of Mal’s room
    • For a sci-fi movie, the room feels very traditional and nearly backwards
      • Has the feel of an Asian scholar which implies intelligence in the cowboy
      • Note a sake bottle rather than an expected mug of beer
      • The electronics and future techie things are very downplayed in this scene and even they have a rustic feel to them
    • The lighting is coming in though we’re never sure where the source of the lighting is coming from. However, it’s a softer light unlike the other scenes with harsher shadows and tints, which really gives this room a homey-feeling
      • This again reflects how Serenity is his home
    • There is a lot of gratings and grids as part of a spaceship’s decor but here, even those are softened by the camera